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Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah - Fès

Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah- Fès

Gender Studies

Email : lettresdm@menara.ma

TEL : 05-35-64-08-43

Fax : 05-35-64-08-44

Présentation de Gender Studies

Établissement : Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines Dhar El Mehraz - Fès

Type de formation : Initiale

Type de diplôme : Master Spécialisé

Discipline : Lettres et Sciences Humaines

Domaine : Langue, linguistique, littérature, sciences humaines, cultural studies, translation, media, TEFL

Objectifs : Unlike women's studies programs, Women’s and Gender Studies master tries to address the concerns of both women and men. Given this dual focus, students may ask why the program is not simply called "Gender Studies." Here's a short explanation: it is important to keep both "women" and "gender" in the title because both reflect essential components of the program's goals. That is, "gender" is there because we are committed to including issues of concern to men as well as women. "Women" is there because the program attempts to respond to the ways that women's experiences and perspectives have been and continue to be marginalized, displaced, or ignored--both at University Curricula and in the world at large. The program attempts to remedy that imbalance.

The objectives of the program are as follows:

The Master of Women’s and Gender Studies is a program that has been developed to meet the needs of our students, university, society and the labour market. The overall aim of the program is to provide students with a broad range of knowledge and understanding of women and gender issues and their impact on the development of the individual in particular and the society in general. It enables them to be functional in the coming world of globalisation.

This program is distinguished by its interdisciplinary nature. The two central goals of women’s and gender studies Program are the examination of all disciplines such as literature, language, media, society, business, performance and culture from feminist and gender theoretical perspectives, and the strengthening of analytical thinking and inquiry through special attention to women’s experiences, the construction of femininity and masculinity, the relations between women and men, and the differential power structures that create these social categories.

The specific objectives of the program are:

· To provide the students with theoretical, practical, critical, and contextual studies in gender awareness, gender analysis and gender planning.

· To integrate a gender mainstreaming perspective into all phases of business development;

· To enhance the linkages between gender, culture and development through capacity building and sharing of knowledge with the global world.

· To provide a model for interdisciplinary teaching, pedagogical experimentation, and the development of teaching skills;

· To give students the important tools, resources, and language needed for personal empowerment, especially useful since it is easy to feel overwhelmed and resigned in the face of injustices ;

· To provide understanding about, and help bridge differences between women and men based on race, ethnicity, social class, age, gender roles, etc.


Durée de la formation :

2 ans


CONDITIONS D'ADMISSION : Certificate requirements

- BA Degree in English (Professional & Academic) or any Equivalent Degree

1.2. Prerequisites:

- A good knowledge of Literary, Linguistic, Cultural, Business and Gender Studies.

- A certain know-how in collecting data and in using the computer.

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