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Université Ibn Tofail

Université Ibn Tofail - Kénitra

Teaching English As A Foreign Language (TEFL)

Coordinateur de la filière : Professeur Abdelkader ABBOU

TEL : 05-37-32-96-00

Fax : 05-37-32-96-41

Présentation de Teaching English As A Foreign Language (TEFL)

Établissement : Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines - Kénitra

Type de formation : Initiale

Type de diplôme : Master Spécialisé

Discipline : Lettres et Sciences Humaines

Domaine : Langue, linguistique, littérature, sciences humaines, cultural studies, translation, media, TEFL

Objectifs : The main objective of this Master emanates from the increasing need of better trained English High school (lycée) teachers nationwide. Therefore, the Master

- targets a vocational training for teaching English at the High School (Secondaire Qualifiant) level
- helps prepare teachers who would fulfil the Ministry of Education pedagogical project’s objectives that ultimately seek to make ‘schooling for all’ a successful enterprise. This project remains highly conditional upon teachers whose qualifications help answer the needs, objectives, methodology for the teaching of the on-going set programmes, which are primarily designed to provide the students with skills, linguistic competence.
- is a project that promotes ‘governance.
- aims at participating in the effort of making available a pedagogical model that works,
- helps would-be teachers develop appropriate English communicative language teaching, methodology, and assessment.


Durée de la formation :

2 ans

Secteurs de recrutement :

Teachers of English who will be given a vocational training that will Qualify them for a productive teaching at the High School (Secondaire Qualifiant) level nationwide; for this purpose the programme will

1-introduce the teacher-trainees
a-to the making and organization of the lycée curricula and syllabi,
b- to the role and behaviour of the teacher at the lycée;
c-to the modern means and tools which would facilitate their teaching experience at the High School (Secondaire Qualifiant) working environment and culture.


CONDITIONS D'ADMISSION : Validation des semestres 1 à 6 de la licence fondamentale des départements d’Anglais des Facultés de Lettres/facultés pluridisciplinaires publiques,
- Validation des semestres 1 à 6 ou 4 à 6 ou 5 à 6 de la licence professionnelle des départements d’Anglais des facultés de Lettres/facultés pluridisciplinaires publiques,
- Mention DEUG : Assez bien / minimum
- Mention LICENCE : Assez bien/ minimum

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