
Le Programme Manager 3.0 de la Rabat Business School est construit autour de trois leviers : Le jeune manager de demain aura OBLIGATOIREMENT un profil INTERNATIONAL et ouvert à la MULTICULTURALITE Le jeune manager de demain devra...


L’objectif général du Master SAFIR est de permettre aux étudiants d’acquérir le savoir théorique et méthodologique nécessaire pour occuper un emploi de cadre opérationnel dans les différents secteurs liés aux marchés de l’assurance et de la finance et...

Programme Grande Ecole

Le Programme Grande Ecole de HEM, Ecole de Gestion et de Management au Maroc, est étalé sur 5 ans (BAC +5). Le premier cycle dure 3 années. Il a pour but de prodiguer à l’étudiant une formation fondamentale en gestion tout en consolidant...

Génie Biomédical

Cette filière forme aux compétences suivantes : -Installer, maintenir, effectuer le contrôle qualité et assurer la traçabilité des interventions concernant les dispositifs ou équipements biomédicaux dont l’intervenant a la charge. -Informer...

Science & Master of Science

The combined BS/MS programs allow qualified AUI students in the SSE to earn both Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in a minimum of five years. This option permits a student to take graduate courses while completing undergraduate...

Arts in Communication Studies

The Communication Studies Program offers students an exciting opportunity to develop a variety of practical and theoretical skills while interacting with a wide range of students and professors. Our professors have all received training and/or completed...

Science in Human Resource Development

The Bachelor of Science in Human Resource Development (HRD) aims at helping students acquire the necessary competencies for improving human performance in organizations through systems for learning, motivation and change management.

Arts in International Studies (BAIS)

The Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (BAIS) offers students the opportunity to have a comprehensive grounding in international affairs and issues. Sponsored by the Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, the program provides...

Business Administration (BBA)

The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree program prepares students for positions of leadership in the business, professional, and public sectors of a global economy. Undergraduate instruction parallels modern management education principles...

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