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Arts in International Studies and Diplomacy (MAISD)

The Master of Arts in International Studies and Diplomacy (MAISD) offers qualified students the opportunity to become specialists in the fields of diplomacy and international affairs. Sponsored by the Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation,...

Science in Sustainable Energy Management (MSSEM)

The Master of Science in Sustainable Energy Management program focuses on renewable energies production, transformation, distribution, and management and provides students with a well-balanced education in renewable energies science, engineering, and...

Human Resource Development (HRD)

The Master of Science in Human Resource Development aims to develop HRD Professionals and Specialists able to identify strategic individual and organizational capabilities and leverage them through different developmental actions to shape individual and...

Etudes Anglaises

- The present field of study offers a first cycle training to ‘Baccalauréat’ holders. It is the outcome of a new vision of university studies in Morocco and of new criteria of learning and evaluation that are concomitant with the spirit of the Reform. It...

Arts in Islamic Religious Studies (MAIRS)

The Master of Arts in Islamic Religious Studies (MAIRS) is a graduate-level degree designed to provide students with an advanced knowledge of issues related to Islam and the role of religion in society. The program focuses on the study of religion from...

Etudes Hispaniques

Les études d'espagnol reposent sur des enseignements fondamentaux en Langue, Littérature et Civilisation : - Expression écrite et orale, grammaire, linguistique et traduction - Litératures d'Espagne et Amérique latine : grandes...

Etudes Françaises

- Maîtrise de la langue : acquisition effective d’une compétence de communication (compréhension et production orale, compréhension et production écrite) - Constitution d’un savoir relatif aux phénomènes de culture et de civilisation véhiculés par...

Etudes Amazighes

- Permettre à l’étudiant l’acquisition d’une formation de base dans les domaines des études amazighes ouverte sur les cursus d’enseignement et de recherche en premier lieu et sur le marché de l’emploi en second lieu surtout avec l’intégration de l’...

Etudes Arabes

العمل على الارتقاء بالدرس اللغوي والأدبي و الفني في الجامعة المغربية، و باللغة العربية ، إلى مستوى أعلى. مواكبة الدراسات والأبحاث العالمية في الحقل اللساني والأدبي والفني وتحديث طرق التدريس والبحث. جعل الدراسة الأدبية منفتحة على...

Histoire et Civilisation

يهدف مسلك التاريخ والحضارة إلى تكوين متكامل ومتعدد في مجال المعرفة التاريخية العامة التي تمكن الطالب من التعرف على محيطه القريب والبعيد، وذلك اعتمادا على المنهج المقارن. إن هذا المسلك لا يكتفي بالبعد الأكاديمي، ولكنه يروم إدماج مجموعة من...

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