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Human Resource Development (HRD)

The Master of Science in Human Resource Development aims to develop HRD Professionals and Specialists able to identify strategic individual and organizational capabilities and leverage them through different developmental actions to shape individual and...

Arts in Islamic Religious Studies (MAIRS)

The Master of Arts in Islamic Religious Studies (MAIRS) is a graduate-level degree designed to provide students with an advanced knowledge of issues related to Islam and the role of religion in society. The program focuses on the study of religion from...

Etudes Arabes

يهدف مسلك الدراسات العربية إلى تكوين الطالب في مجال اللغة والأدب والتواصل وتعميق معارفه وإغناء قدراته الفكرية وتجاربه العملية، بما يمكنه من تحليل الخطاب اللغوي أيا كان نوعه، ويؤهله للاندماج والتواصل في محيطه العام.

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