Science & Master of Science

The combined BS/MS programs allow qualified AUI students in the SSE to earn both Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in a minimum of five years. This option permits a student to take graduate courses while completing undergraduate...

Arts in International Studies (BAIS)

The Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (BAIS) offers students the opportunity to have a comprehensive grounding in international affairs and issues. Sponsored by the Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, the program provides...

Arts in International Studies and Diplomacy (MAISD)

The Master of Arts in International Studies and Diplomacy (MAISD) offers qualified students the opportunity to become specialists in the fields of diplomacy and international affairs. Sponsored by the Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation,...

Science in General Engineering (BSGE)

The mission of the BSGE program at AUI is to produce engineers with a strong foundation so they can succeed in a variety of professional settings and industries. They will be able to work effectively across disciplines and national boundaries....

Cycle Préparatoire

Le Cycle Préparatoire a pour objectif de faire passer chaque élève du statut de lycéen à celui de futur ingénieur. Pour cela, l'élève reçoit un enseignement dont les objectifs sont : Le renforcement et l'acquisition des connaissances de...

Logiciel et Système Informatique

Former des ingénieurs capables de : comprendre les enjeux technologiques et métiers ; proposer et construire des solutions compétitives et réalistes ; - intervenir sur des problématiques complexes ; - piloter des projets et les...

تدبير الشأن العام المحلي

يهدف التكوين إلى تمكين الطلبة من آليات البحث في التنمية المحلية والاجتماعية ويمكنهم من ضبط الإطار النظري والتطبيقي في هذا المجال، كما يسعى إلى تمكين الطلبة الذين يتوفرون على مبادئ أساسية وأولية في القانون والاقتصاد والجغرافية وعلم الاجتماع من تكوين معمق و

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